
The Hardy Boys are back in town, so we offer up some intriguing opponents for them to...Delete!

At WrestleMania 33, Matt and Jeff Hardy made their long awaited return to WWE and promptly won the RAW Tag Team Championships on their first night back. Thankfully pro wrestling is scripted, because everything lined up like a movie for the Hardys. Whether or not the legal hurdles can be cleared for Matt to return to being “Broken” and Jeff reverting back to his “Brother Nero” phase waits to be seen, but there’s exciting, new storylines on the horizon.

Having been away from WWE since 2009, there’s a plethora of new opponents and dream matches fans want to see. Being the tag champs, first they’ll defend their titles against RAW’s tag team division against the likes of Gallows & Anderson (The Club), Enzo & Cass, and Cesaro & Sheamus. As cool as those match-ups are, there’s more interesting and appetizing bouts on our wish-list. Putting on our fantasy booker hat, here’s six dream tag and single opponents for Matt and Jeff!


Jeff Hardy v. Finn Balor

The Charismatic Enigma versus The Demon King is worthy of a pay-per-view main event. Jeff Hardy has crafted a career and reputation as being the ultimate risk-taker that will jump off 20 ft. ladders, while crashing into a stack of unforgiving wooden tables. That high-flying, daredevil mentality is what has made Jeff into one of the most captivating and innovative stars ever in the ring. Jeff’s modern day equivalent is Finn Balor, a talented and creative wrestler in his own right.

With years in the ring, Jeff has influenced the current crop of wrestlers such as Finn, showing them it’s okay to push the boundaries and explore different facets of their personas (e.g. Willow). Both men have a penchant for body and face paint and love theatrical entrances. With Finn and Jeff on the RAW brand, don’t be surprised if this match happens sooner rather than later. 

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