a poem is just a poem and if it is just a poem
it must be just a poem just like another poem

a poem is nothing but just a poem otherwise

it cannot be my poem; it may speak about

anything, or something, or about everything,

but my poem is just a poem just like anybody's

poem, which is just but a poem, like any other

poem, for a poem to be a poem it must just be

a poem: it has nothing to do with my love, and death

my life, or bliss, but as i have told you, once, twice

thrice, eat some rice, and be that wise, a poem is

just a poem, just like your poem. Why do you insist

on asking, what is happening to me? I am not a

poem, for i am but just the composer of the poem,

need i tell you again, that a poem is just a poem?

just like any other poem, which is just a poem

it is just a voice in my head that i have heard

someone comes and speaks and i listen so

this poem is not actually my poem but the poem

of someone else's: theirs not mine, from a mind.

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